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Lil Johnny again

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1Lil Johnny again Empty Lil Johnny again 17th June 2007, 13:33



A third grade teacher always took role call each morning and had the pupils' answer by reciting a short poem.
The first kid sat in the first row was a teacher's pet. He stood and said, "My name is Dan, and when I become a man, I would like to go to Japan if I can, and I think I can."
The next kid was a little girl who sat in the middle of the room. She
stood up and answered the roll call by stating, "My name is Suzy, and when
I become a lady I would like to have a baby if I can, and I think I can."
The next on the list was Little Johnny, a smart guy sitting in the back of
the room. He stood up and said, "My name is Johnny, and I don't give a
damn about Japan but I would like to help Suzy in her plan if I can and I
think I can!"

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